The Chicagoland chapter of Sisters in Crime promotes the interests of our members. We meet online and in person each month to share knowledge and support our sibling authors, no matter where they are in their writing journey. SINCC expands the benefits already provided by SINC national, providing services and opportunities that meet our chapter members’ expressed needs, like:

  • Invitations to attend our our online monthly chapter meetings, curated to advance your career, improve your craft and engage with our community. Only members can access the video archive of these meetings.

  • Opportunities to network with other writers, publishers, agents, booksellers, librarians, and readers at our in-person get togethers and annual workshop

  • Access to our weekly write-ins over Zoom

  • Feedback from a published SinCC author on the first 10 pages of your work in progress, for first time members

Our Organization

We are the Chicagoland chapter of the international organization, Sisters in Crime.
The mission of Sisters in Crime Chicagoland (SINCC) is to promote the ongoing advancement, recognition and professional development of women crime writers.
Our vision is to serve as the voice for excellence and diversity in crime writing.

Sisters in Crime is committed to fighting for social justice
and battling all forms of racism and hate